Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New Project

I have come up with the idea of reviewing my story in light of new awareness that has emerged within me as I practice the Steps given in Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner Knowing.

I have embarked on this journey with the tacit knowledge that nothing is finite or set in stone, with the tacit knowledge that more shall be revealed, with the tacit knowledge that life is a Mystery and the only thing I can really depend on is that internal nudge that somehow confirms I am doing the next right thing.

I said that I did not know where this journey was taking me. Now I have a clue. I can look back on my life and see it has been a set of stepping stones leading me to the place I am today. I am finally living the life I have so long dreamed of in the beauty of rural Russia. My efforts to reclaim the Knowledge placed inside me by the Creator of All Life have come to fruition and I can say that I have finally come home to myself.

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